{ config, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs.haskellPackages; with pkgs; [ idea-community-eap # clion-eap texlive.combined.scheme-full biber gimp inkscape # jabref libreoffice-fresh stablePkgs # calibre goldendict xournal (xournalpp.overrideDerivation (_: { patches = [ ./xournalpp-cursor-blink.patch ]; })) vscode ccls # stack elan # coq # emacsPackages.proofgeneral # virtmanager (if lib.hasAttr "curaPlugins" pkgs then cura.override { plugins = with curaPlugins; [ octoprint ]; } else cura) openscad freecad calculix meshlab audacious flac clementine uvccapture yarn gnome3.baobab rustup ] ++ (with aspellDicts; [ en de fr nl ]); programs.wireshark = { enable = true; package = pkgs.wireshark; }; users.extraUsers.gebner.extraGroups = [ "wireshark" ]; }