# vim: ft=conf # # In this config file, qutebrowser's key bindings are configured. # The format looks like this: # # [keymode] # # command # keychain # keychain2 # ... # # All blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored. # Inline-comments are not permitted. # # keymode is a comma separated list of modes in which the key binding should be # active. If keymode starts with !, the key binding is active in all modes # except the listed modes. # # For special keys (can't be part of a keychain), enclose them in `<`...`>`. # For modifiers, you can use either `-` or `+` as delimiters, and these names: # # * Control: `Control`, `Ctrl` # * Meta: `Meta`, `Windows`, `Mod4` # * Alt: `Alt`, `Mod1` # * Shift: `Shift` # # For simple keys (no `<>`-signs), a capital letter means the key is pressed # with Shift. For special keys (with `<>`-signs), you need to explicitly add # `Shift-` to match a key pressed with shift. # # Note that default keybindings are always bound, and need to be explicitly # unbound if you wish to remove them: # # <unbound> # keychain # keychain2 # ... [!normal] leave-mode <escape> <ctrl-[> [normal] # Keybindings for normal mode. spawn mpv {url} x hint links spawn mpv {hint-url} ;x clear-keychain ;; search ;; fullscreen --leave <escape> set-cmd-text -s :open o set-cmd-text :open {url} go set-cmd-text -s :open -t O set-cmd-text :open -t {url} gO set-cmd-text -s :open -b xo set-cmd-text :open -b {url} xO set-cmd-text -s :open -w wo set-cmd-text :open -w {url} wO open -t ga <ctrl-t> tab-close d <ctrl-w> tab-close -o D tab-only co tab-focus J gt tab-move gm tab-move - gl tab-move + gr tab-prev K gT tab-clone gC reload r reload -f R back H back -t th back -w wh forward L forward -t tl forward -w wl fullscreen <f11> hint f hint all tab F hint all window wf hint all tab-bg ;b hint all tab-fg ;f hint all hover ;h hint images ;i hint images tab ;I hint images tab-bg .i hint links fill :open {hint-url} ;o hint links fill :open -t {hint-url} ;O hint links fill :open -b {hint-url} .o hint links yank ;y hint links yank-primary ;Y hint --rapid links tab-bg ;r hint --rapid links window ;R hint links download ;d scroll left h scroll down j scroll up k scroll right l undo u <ctrl-shift-t> scroll-perc 0 gg scroll-perc G search-next n search-prev N enter-mode insert i enter-mode caret v yank yy yank -s yY yank title yt yank title -s yT yank domain yd yank domain -s yD open -- {clipboard} pp open -- {primary} pP open -t -- {clipboard} Pp open -t -- {primary} PP open -w -- {clipboard} wp open -w -- {primary} wP quickmark-save m set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load b set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -t B set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -w wb bookmark-add M set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load gb set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -t gB set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -w wB save sf set-cmd-text -s :set ss set-cmd-text -s :set -t sl set-cmd-text -s :bind sk zoom-out - zoom-in + zoom = navigate prev [[ navigate next ]] navigate prev -t {{ navigate next -t }} navigate up gu navigate up -t gU navigate increment <ctrl-a> navigate decrement <ctrl-x> inspector wi download gd download-cancel ad download-clear cd view-source gf tab-focus last <ctrl-tab> enter-mode passthrough <ctrl-v> quit <ctrl-q> scroll-page 0 1 <ctrl-f> scroll-page 0 -1 <ctrl-b> scroll-page 0 0.5 <ctrl-d> scroll-page 0 -0.5 <ctrl-u> tab-focus 1 <alt-1> tab-focus 2 <alt-2> tab-focus 3 <alt-3> tab-focus 4 <alt-4> tab-focus 5 <alt-5> tab-focus 6 <alt-6> tab-focus 7 <alt-7> tab-focus 8 <alt-8> tab-focus 9 <alt-9> home <ctrl-h> stop <ctrl-s> print <ctrl-alt-p> open qute:settings Ss follow-selected <return> <ctrl-m> <ctrl-j> <shift-return> <enter> <shift-enter> follow-selected -t <ctrl-return> <ctrl-enter> open -w <ctrl-n> enter-mode set_mark ` enter-mode jump_mark ' yank pretty-url yp yank pretty-url -s yP hint inputs ;t repeat-command . set-cmd-text / / set-cmd-text ? ? set-cmd-text : : tab-next <ctrl-pgdown> record-macro q run-macro @ [insert] # Keybindings for insert mode. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are # supported in this mode. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section: # * `open-editor`: Open a texteditor with the focused field. # * `paste-primary`: Paste primary selection at cursor position. open-editor <ctrl-e> insert-text {primary} <shift-ins> [hint] # Keybindings for hint mode. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are # supported in this mode. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section: # * `follow-hint`: Follow the currently selected hint. follow-hint <return> <ctrl-m> <ctrl-j> <shift-return> <enter> <shift-enter> hint --rapid links tab-bg <ctrl-r> hint links <ctrl-f> hint all tab-bg <ctrl-b> [command] # Keybindings for command mode. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are # supported in this mode. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section: # * `command-history-prev`: Switch to previous command in history. # * `command-history-next`: Switch to next command in history. # * `completion-item-focus`: Select another item in completion. # * `command-accept`: Execute the command currently in the commandline. command-history-prev <ctrl-p> command-history-next <ctrl-n> completion-item-focus prev <shift-tab> <up> completion-item-focus next <tab> <down> completion-item-del <ctrl-d> command-accept <return> <ctrl-m> <ctrl-j> <shift-return> <enter> <shift-enter> completion-item-focus next-category <ctrl-tab> completion-item-focus prev-category <ctrl-shift-tab> [prompt] # Keybindings for prompts in the status line. # You can bind normal keys in this mode, but they will be only active # when a yes/no-prompt is asked. For other prompt modes, you can only # bind special keys. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section: # * `prompt-accept`: Confirm the entered value. # * `prompt-accept yes`: Answer yes to a yes/no question. # * `prompt-accept no`: Answer no to a yes/no question. prompt-accept <return> <ctrl-m> <ctrl-j> <shift-return> <enter> <shift-enter> prompt-accept yes y prompt-accept no n prompt-open-download <ctrl-x> prompt-item-focus prev <shift-tab> <up> prompt-item-focus next <tab> <down> [command,prompt] rl-backward-char <ctrl-b> rl-forward-char <ctrl-f> rl-backward-word <alt-b> rl-forward-word <alt-f> rl-beginning-of-line <ctrl-a> rl-end-of-line <ctrl-e> rl-unix-line-discard <ctrl-u> rl-kill-line <ctrl-k> rl-kill-word <alt-d> rl-unix-word-rubout <ctrl-w> <alt-backspace> rl-yank <ctrl-y> rl-delete-char <ctrl-?> rl-backward-delete-char <ctrl-h> [caret] toggle-selection v <space> drop-selection <ctrl-space> enter-mode normal c move-to-next-line j move-to-prev-line k move-to-next-char l move-to-prev-char h move-to-end-of-word e move-to-next-word w move-to-prev-word b move-to-start-of-next-block ] move-to-start-of-prev-block [ move-to-end-of-next-block } move-to-end-of-prev-block { move-to-start-of-line 0 move-to-end-of-line $ move-to-start-of-document gg move-to-end-of-document G yank selection -s Y yank selection y <return> <ctrl-m> <ctrl-j> <shift-return> <enter> <shift-enter> scroll left H scroll down J scroll up K scroll right L