function __fzf_open -d "Open files and directories." function __fzf_open_get_open_cmd -d "Find appropriate open command." if type -q xdg-open echo "xdg-open" else if type -q open echo "open" end end set -l commandline (__fzf_parse_commandline) set -l dir $commandline[1] set -l fzf_query $commandline[2] set -l options "e/editor" "p/preview=?" argparse $options -- $argv set -l preview_cmd if set -q FZF_ENABLE_OPEN_PREVIEW set preview_cmd "--preview-window=right:wrap --preview='fish -c \"__fzf_complete_preview {}\"'" end set -q FZF_OPEN_COMMAND or set -l FZF_OPEN_COMMAND " command find -L \$dir -mindepth 1 \\( -path \$dir'*/\\.*' -o -fstype 'sysfs' -o -fstype 'devfs' -o -fstype 'devtmpfs' \\) -prune \ -o -type f -print \ -o -type d -print \ -o -type l -print 2> /dev/null | sed 's@^\./@@'" eval "$FZF_OPEN_COMMAND | "(__fzfcmd) $preview_cmd "-m $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_OPEN_OPTS --query \"$fzf_query\"" | read -l select # set how to open set -l open_cmd if set -q _flag_editor set open_cmd "$EDITOR" else set open_cmd (__fzf_open_get_open_cmd) if test -z "$open_cmd" echo "Couldn't find appropriate open command to use. Do you have 'xdg-open' or 'open' installed?"; and return 1 end end set -l open_status 0 if not test -z "$select" commandline "$open_cmd \"$select\"" ;and commandline -f execute set open_status $status end commandline -f repaint return $open_status end