# Copyright (C) 2004 Gabriel Ebner # vim:fdm=marker: . ~/.commonshrc fpath=(~/.zfuncs $fpath) # ZLE {{{1 bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line setopt printeightbit # Prompt {{{1 autoload -U promptinit promptinit prompt gebner # Window Title {{{1 chpwd() { [[ -t 1 ]] && print -Pn '\e]2;%n@%m:%~\a' }; chpwd # History {{{1 setopt APPEND_HISTORY SHARE_HISTORY EXTENDED_HISTORY INC_APPEND_HISTORY \ HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS HIST_IGNORE_SPACE HISTSIZE=100000 SAVEHIST=100000 HISTFILE=~/.zhist # Completion {{{1 # The following lines were added by compinstall zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/gebner/.zshrc' autoload -U compinit compinit # End of lines added by compinstall