## # Use fzf as fish completion widget. # # # When FZF_COMPLETE variable is set, fzf is used as completion # widget for the fish shell by binding the TAB key. # # FZF_COMPLETE can have some special numeric values: # # `set FZF_COMPLETE 0` basic widget accepts with TAB key # `set FZF_COMPLETE 1` extends 0 with candidate preview window # `set FZF_COMPLETE 2` same as 1 but TAB walks on candidates # `set FZF_COMPLETE 3` multi TAB selection, RETURN accepts selected ones. # # Any other value of FZF_COMPLETE is given directly as options to fzf. # # If you prefer to set more advanced options, take a look at the # `__fzf_complete_opts` function and override that in your environment. # modified from https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/Examples-(fish)#completion function __fzf_complete -d 'fzf completion and print selection back to commandline' # As of 2.6, fish's "complete" function does not understand # subcommands. Instead, we use the same hack as __fish_complete_subcommand and # extract the subcommand manually. set -l cmd (commandline -co) (commandline -ct) switch $cmd[1] case env sudo for i in (seq 2 (count $cmd)) switch $cmd[$i] case '-*' case '*=*' case '*' set cmd $cmd[$i..-1] break end end end set -l cmd_lastw $cmd[-1] set cmd (string join -- ' ' $cmd) set -l initial_query '' test -n "$cmd_lastw"; and set initial_query --query="$cmd_lastw" set -l complist (complete -C$cmd) set -l result # do nothing if there is nothing to select from test -z "$complist"; and return set -l compwc (echo $complist | wc -w) if test $compwc -eq 1 # if there is only one option dont open fzf set result "$complist" else set -l query string join -- \n $complist \ | sort \ | eval (__fzfcmd) $initial_query --print-query (__fzf_complete_opts) \ | cut -f1 \ | while read -l r # first line is the user entered query if test -z "$query" set query $r # rest of lines are selected candidates else set result $result $r end end # exit if user canceled if test -z "$query" ;and test -z "$result" return end # if user accepted but no candidate matches, use the input as result if test -z "$result" set result $query end end set prefix (string sub -s 1 -l 1 -- (commandline -t)) for i in (seq (count $result)) set -l r $result[$i] switch $prefix case "'" commandline -t -- (string escape -- $r) case '"' if string match '*"*' -- $r >/dev/null commandline -t -- (string escape -- $r) else commandline -t -- '"'$r'"' end case '~' commandline -t -- (string sub -s 2 (string escape -n -- $r)) case '*' commandline -t -- (string escape -n -- $r) end [ $i -lt (count $result) ]; and commandline -i ' ' end commandline -f repaint end function __fzf_complete_opts_common echo --cycle --reverse --inline-info end function __fzf_complete_opts_tab_accepts echo --bind tab:accept,btab:cancel end function __fzf_complete_opts_tab_walks echo --bind tab:down,btab:up end function __fzf_complete_opts_preview set -l file (status -f) echo --with-nth=1 --preview-window=right:wrap --preview="fish\ '$file'\ __fzf_complete_preview\ '{1}'\ '{2..}'" end test "$argv[1]" = "__fzf_complete_preview"; and __fzf_complete_preview $argv[2..3] function __fzf_complete_opts_0 -d 'basic single selection with tab accept' __fzf_complete_opts_common echo --no-multi __fzf_complete_opts_tab_accepts end function __fzf_complete_opts_1 -d 'single selection with preview and tab accept' __fzf_complete_opts_0 __fzf_complete_opts_preview end function __fzf_complete_opts_2 -d 'single selection with preview and tab walks' __fzf_complete_opts_1 __fzf_complete_opts_tab_walks end function __fzf_complete_opts_3 -d 'multi selection with preview' __fzf_complete_opts_common echo --multi __fzf_complete_opts_preview end function __fzf_complete_opts -d 'fzf options for fish tab completion' switch $FZF_COMPLETE case 0 __fzf_complete_opts_0 case 1 __fzf_complete_opts_1 case 2 __fzf_complete_opts_2 case 3 __fzf_complete_opts_3 case '*' echo $FZF_COMPLETE end end