local M = {} -- Code inspired by https://github.com/fcpg/vim-osc52/blob/master/plugin/osc52.vim local base64 = {} local max_osc52_sequence = 100000 local function osc52_copy(str, tgt) return "\x1b]52;" .. tgt .. ";" .. base64.encode(str) .. "\x07" end local function tmux_wrap(cmd) return "\x1bPtmux;\x1b" .. cmd .. "\x1b\\" end local function screen_wrap(cmd) -- Insert <end-dcs><start-dcs> pair every 76 characters. -- TODO: insert "\x1b\\\x1bP" every 76 characters return "\x1bP" .. cmd .. "\x1b\x5c" end M.terminal = vim.api.nvim_eval'$TERM' function M.copy(str, tgt) tgt = tgt or 'c' if #str > max_osc52_sequence then error'string to long to copy via OSC52' end local osc52 = osc52_copy(str, tgt) if M.terminal:match'^tmux' ~= nil then osc52 = tmux_wrap(osc52) elseif M.terminal:match'^screen' ~= nil then osc52 = screen_wrap(osc52) end io.stdout:write(osc52) end function _G.osc52_clipboard_handler(lines, regtype, reg) M.copy(table.concat(lines, '\n'), reg == '*' and 's' or 'c') end function M.enable() vim.cmd[[ let g:clipboard = { \ 'name': 'osc52', \ 'copy': { \ '+': { lines, regtype -> v:lua.osc52_clipboard_handler(lines, regtype, '+') }, \ '*': { lines, regtype -> v:lua.osc52_clipboard_handler(lines, regtype, '*') }, \ }, \ 'paste': { \ '+': { -> [] }, \ '*': { -> [] }, \ }, \} ]] end if M.terminal ~= 'dumb' then M.enable() end -- base 64 library from: https://github.com/iskolbin/lbase64/blob/master/base64.lua if false then _G.bit32 = {} end -- shut up type error local extract = _G.bit32 and _G.bit32.extract -- Lua 5.2/Lua 5.3 in compatibility mode if not extract then if _G.bit then -- LuaJIT local shl, shr, band = _G.bit.lshift, _G.bit.rshift, _G.bit.band extract = function( v, from, width ) return band( shr( v, from ), shl( 1, width ) - 1 ) end elseif _G._VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then extract = function( v, from, width ) local w = 0 local flag = 2^from for i = 0, width-1 do local flag2 = flag + flag if v % flag2 >= flag then w = w + 2^i end flag = flag2 end return w end else -- Lua 5.3+ extract = load[[return function( v, from, width ) return ( v >> from ) & ((1 << width) - 1) end]]() end end function base64.makeencoder( s62, s63, spad ) local encoder = {} for b64code, char in pairs{[0]='A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J', 'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y', 'Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0','1','2', '3','4','5','6','7','8','9',s62 or '+',s63 or'/',spad or'='} do encoder[b64code] = char:byte() end return encoder end function base64.makedecoder( s62, s63, spad ) local decoder = {} for b64code, charcode in pairs( base64.makeencoder( s62, s63, spad )) do decoder[charcode] = b64code end return decoder end local DEFAULT_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder() local DEFAULT_DECODER = base64.makedecoder() local char, concat = string.char, table.concat function base64.encode( str, encoder, usecaching ) encoder = encoder or DEFAULT_ENCODER local t, k, n = {}, 1, #str local lastn = n % 3 local cache = {} for i = 1, n-lastn, 3 do local a, b, c = str:byte( i, i+2 ) local v = a*0x10000 + b*0x100 + c local s if usecaching then s = cache[v] if not s then s = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[extract(v,0,6)]) cache[v] = s end else s = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[extract(v,0,6)]) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if lastn == 2 then local a, b = str:byte( n-1, n ) local v = a*0x10000 + b*0x100 t[k] = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[64]) elseif lastn == 1 then local v = str:byte( n )*0x10000 t[k] = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[64], encoder[64]) end return concat( t ) end function base64.decode( b64, decoder, usecaching ) decoder = decoder or DEFAULT_DECODER local pattern = '[^%w%+%/%=]' if decoder then local s62, s63 for charcode, b64code in pairs( decoder ) do if b64code == 62 then s62 = charcode elseif b64code == 63 then s63 = charcode end end pattern = ('[^%%w%%%s%%%s%%=]'):format( char(s62), char(s63) ) end b64 = b64:gsub( pattern, '' ) local cache = usecaching and {} local t, k = {}, 1 local n = #b64 local padding = b64:sub(-2) == '==' and 2 or b64:sub(-1) == '=' and 1 or 0 for i = 1, padding > 0 and n-4 or n, 4 do local a, b, c, d = b64:byte( i, i+3 ) local s if usecaching then local v0 = a*0x1000000 + b*0x10000 + c*0x100 + d s = cache[v0] if not s then local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 + decoder[d] s = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8), extract(v,0,8)) cache[v0] = s end else local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 + decoder[d] s = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8), extract(v,0,8)) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if padding == 1 then local a, b, c = b64:byte( n-3, n-1 ) local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 t[k] = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8)) elseif padding == 2 then local a, b = b64:byte( n-3, n-2 ) local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 t[k] = char( extract(v,16,8)) end return concat( t ) end return M