neovim-qt: enable title and themed treeview

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Ebner 2021-06-08 11:22:02 +02:00
parent 03862e5dab
commit 45af5c2d9e
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ let g:neovide_cursor_animate_in_insert_mode = 0
let g:neovide_cursor_vfx_mode = "disabled"
GuiFont Fira Mono:h13
set mouse=a
set notitle
set title
set guifont=Fira\ Mono:h15
imap <C-BS> <C-W>
GuiAdaptiveFont 1
GuiAdaptiveColor 1