Update bash config.

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Ebner 2024-08-10 09:48:38 -07:00
parent 914ad87286
commit 162d649279
2 changed files with 6 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ HISTFILE=~/.bash_history
shopt -s histappend
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r"
. ~/etc/liquidprompt/liquidprompt
type -t starship >/dev/null && eval "$(starship init bash)"
shopt -s autocd
shopt -s globstar
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ if type -t __git_complete >/dev/null; then
__git_complete gp _git_push
test -f ~/.fzf/shell/key-bindings.bash && . ~/.fzf/shell/key-bindings.bash
test -f /usr/share/fzf/shell/key-bindings.bash && . /usr/share/fzf/shell/key-bindings.bash

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@ -10,17 +10,15 @@ alias ls='ls --color=auto'
export EMAIL='gebner@gebner.org'
test -x /usr/bin/lesspipe && eval `lesspipe`
export MPD_HOST= MPD_PORT=6600
export EDITOR="`which nvim || which vim || which vi`"
alias vi="$EDITOR"
if type -t nvim >/dev/null; then
export EDITOR="$(command -v nvim)"
alias vi="$EDITOR"
export BROWSER=xdg-open
alias udetokei='tokei $(rg --files)'
alias time=$(which time)
# passc
passc() {
pass show "$1" | (read i; cat; echo -n "$i" | xclip -l 1 -se c)