# Maintainer : Yamada Hayao <hayao@fascode.net> # Contributor: EHfive <eh5@sokka.cn> #-- PulseAudio --# pulseaudio_pkgname="extra/pulseaudio" if pacman -Qq "$(basename "${pulseaudio_pkgname}")" 2> "/dev/null" 1>&2; then # If pulseaudio is installed, use the version of installed pulseaudio. pulseaudio_ver="$(pacman -Q "$(basename "${pulseaudio_pkgname}")" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 1)" else # If pulseaudio is not installed, use the version from offcial repository. pulseaudio_ver="$(pacman -Sp --print-format '%v' "${pulseaudio_pkgname}" | cut -d '-' -f 1)" fi # if it is failed to get the version of pulseaudio, use the hard coded one. if [[ -v pulseaudio_ver ]]; then pulseaudio_ver="14.0" fi pkgname="pulseaudio-modules-bt" module_ver="1.4" pkgver="${module_ver}_${pulseaudio_ver}" pkgrel="2" pkgdesc="PulseAudio Bluetooth modules with SBC, AAC, APTX, APTX-HD, Sony LDAC (A2DP codec) support" arch=("i686" "x86_64" "arm" "armv6h" "armv7h" "aarch64") url="https://github.com/EHfive/pulseaudio-modules-bt" license=('GPL3') depends=("pulseaudio>=12.0" "bluez" "bluez-libs" "sbc" "libfdk-aac.so") makedepends=("libpulse" "cmake>=3.0" "libavcodec.so>=58" "libldac" "git") optdepends=( "libavcodec.so>=58: aptX Classic, aptX HD support" "libldac: LDAC support" "pulseaudio=${pulseaudio_ver}: This package requires a specific PulseAudio version" ) provides=("pulseaudio-bluetooth" "pulseaudio-modules-bt-git") conflicts=("pulseaudio-bluetooth" "pulseaudio-modules-bt-git") source=( "pulseaudio-modules-bt.zip::https://github.com/EHfive/pulseaudio-modules-bt/archive/v${module_ver}.zip" "pulseaudio.zip::https://github.com/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/archive/v${pulseaudio_ver}.zip" ) md5sums=( '711a7f930321e56706acdb441de0e432' 'SKIP' ) sha512sums=( "5c3ed59dec46a1a9cc2f359ac1d28a82a50a5dea47a268a10601b95a8e17a68dd00ba7628c429271349bae290f461abeb1a4a3715b1833c71d7f82f9a902fe2d" "SKIP" ) prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/pulseaudio-modules-bt-${module_ver}" rm -rf pa ln -sf -T "../pulseaudio-${pulseaudio_ver}" "pa" } build() { cd "${srcdir}/pulseaudio-modules-bt-${module_ver}" cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ . make } package() { cd "$srcdir/pulseaudio-modules-bt-${module_ver}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }