# Maintainer: Sam L. Yes <samlukeyes123@gmail.com> pkgname=libcamera-clang-git pkgver=r2866.abaa45d6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS (built with clang)' arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url='https://libcamera.org/' provides=('libcamera' 'libcamera-clang' 'libcamera-git' 'qcam') conflicts=('libcamera') makedepends=( 'python-yaml' 'python-ply' 'python-jinja' 'pkgconf' 'gnutls' 'openssl' 'git' 'gtest' 'udev' # for device hotplug enumeration 'gstreamer' # for gstreamer support 'qt5-tools' # for 'qcam' 'libevent' # for 'cam' 'meson>=0.55' 'clang>=5.0' ) depends=( #'libc++' 'gst-plugins-base-libs' # for gstreamer support #'lttng-ust' # for tracing with LTTng ) optdepends=( 'qt5-base: for qcam test application' 'libevent: for test commands' 'gtest: for lc-compliance test command' ) license=('LGPL' 'GPL' 'Apache' 'BSD' 'MIT' 'custom') options=('!docs') source=('git://linuxtv.org/libcamera.git/') md5sums=('SKIP') _licensedir=/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} prepare() { sed -i 's|py_compile=True,||' ${srcdir}/libcamera/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom/generate/template_expander.py } pkgver() { cd libcamera printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } build() { cd "${srcdir}/libcamera" CC=clang CXX=clang++ arch-meson build \ -Dwerror=false \ -Dv4l2=true \ -Dipas=ipu3,vimc \ -Dpipelines=ipu3,uvcvideo,vimc \ -Ddocumentation=disabled \ -Dtracing=disabled # comment this line to enable LTTng support ninja -C build } check() { cd ${srcdir}/libcamera meson test -C build } package() { cd "$srcdir/libcamera" DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" ninja -C build install # Install licenses install -d ${pkgdir}/${_licensedir}/LICENSES install -m644 COPYING.rst ${pkgdir}/${_licensedir} install -m644 LICENSES/{BSD-{2,3}-Clause,CC-BY-SA-4.0,CC0-1.0,MIT,Linux-syscall-note}.txt ${pkgdir}/${_licensedir}/LICENSES }