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pkgbase = meshlab
pkgdesc = System for processing and editing of unstructured 3D models arising in 3D scanning (qt5 version)
pkgver = 2020.12
pkgrel = 2
url =
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = GPL2
makedepends = cmake
makedepends = eigen
makedepends = ninja
makedepends = git
makedepends = muparser
makedepends = levmar
makedepends = lib3ds
makedepends = mpir
depends = bzip2
depends = glew
depends = glu
depends = openssl-1.0
depends = qt5-base
depends = qt5-declarative
depends = qt5-script
depends = qt5-xmlpatterns
optdepends = u3d: for U3D and IDTF file support
optdepends = lib3ds: for Autodesk`s 3D-Studio r3 and r4 .3DS file support
optdepends = levmar: for isoparametrization and mutualcorrs plugins
optdepends = muparser: for filer_func plugins
optdepends = mpir: for Constructive Solid Geometry operation filters
source = meshlab::git+
source = vcglib::git+
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = meshlab